One of the hardest things about being a mom is feeling like I have to wait.
Wait until the baby is in her highchair to load the dishwasher. (She likes to steal the dirty silverware.) Wait until the kids are sleeping to work on my blog.
Wait until my husband is home to be able to grocery shop without three small-but-heavy little people attached to the cart.
Wait until he’s settled in his career/the kids are all in school/there’s enough money in the bank to pursue a little job of my own.
But there are some things we wait for for different reasons. We wait to try something new because we’re scared. Because what if we fail? Because haven’t we given all we have away already?
We wait to learn how to swim, paint, write a book, run a race, climb a mountain, open a shop, because it feels too big, it will take too long, and we don’t know where to start.
But do you really want to wait, mama?
Do you want to wait for “your turn”?
And if you just keep waiting, how will you know when “your turn” is?