Whenever I have a “mean mom” day, I think of you, mama. I know you would understand.
For a long time I thought I was the only one.
The only one who sat on the sofa and scrolled through Instagram, ignoring the chaos unfolding at the kitchen table as the kids ate cereal for dinner (again).
The only one who sometimes wished fervently that my littles didn’t want to snuggle and hug and be right near me 24/7/365.
The only one who messed everything up and my hurt tiny people’s feelings because I was just grumpy and tired and done.
But now I know I’m not alone–and it feels so good to not be alone in the struggle.
Bad days are part of this motherhood thing.
Bad days are normal.
So that’s why, whenever I have a “mean mom” day, I think of you. Partly because I want to give you some solidarity. (You’ve got it. I’m here with you, mama!)
And partly because I want to give you some of my hard-earned tools to help you hold everything together.
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