After almost 10 years of momming, I’ve trained myself to be a pretty cool-headed mama.
But there are three things that always make my blood-pressure rise:
- A shrieking, tantruming toddler,
- The dreaded “What’s for dinner?” question, and
- A beloved but whiny voice declaring, “I’m BORED!”
You guys. I just. Can’t. Even.
“Fixing” the Boredom
Before we get in to some real-world solutions, I want to take a minute to be YOUR advocate.
Everyone and their mom (literally) seems to be involved in our kids well-being. From the time they are tiny babies we have well-meaning grandmas asking “Where are your baby’s socks?” when we’re standing in the Target checkout line.
And while having a village available to help raise our children is wonderful and necessary, sometimes it makes us start questioning our own capabilities, intuition, and boundaries.
So let me make this suggestion: It is not your job, as a mother, to entertain your kids.
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