blurry picture of lovely & magical stuff
that came to my house in the mail this week
A lot of the magic in life fades after you finish up your tween years, but there are a few things that stick with you even as you grow up. I turned thirty last week (I’m finally a legit grown-up, right?), and I’m pleased to say that I’ve been steadily growing a collection of things that still feel like magic to me:
Mail. When I was a kid, I thought the mailman was like Santa–in that that you could never see him. I’m not sure if I was just having nap time when he came, or if we just never got our timing right, but whatever the mismatch I didn’t catch my first glimpse of our mailman for a good many years. Enough that I actually remember thinking I wasn’t allowed to see him. Happily, when I eventually saw our mail carrier, the magic of getting mail didn’t fade. How wonderful is it to open up a box and find envelopes addressed to you? Sometimes, like I did for birthday-week, you might even get a package or two! (We have a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime right now, and I’m expecting some mail from them tomorrow. Random electronics accessories are way more fun to buy when they come in a box to your door!)
Rain. Can you believe water actually falls out of the sky? And here in the South, we get some fantastic lightning storms, too. I still love the tick-tick-tick of rain on our roof while we fall asleep, and counting the seconds between lightning and a deep roll of thunder to tell how far off a storm is. Plus, cute umbrellas. If you have an utilitarian black one, can I just encourage you to stop by Marshall’s or Ross and pick up a really colorful, fun, patterned or polka-dotted one? They’re less than $10 there, and you will seriously enjoy rain way more. When we grow up more and have a few more pennies laying around, I’ll probably spring for shiny red or white-and-floral rain boots, too.
Meeting a kindred spirit. I’ve noticed as a mom that friendships are both harder and easier. For one thing, there’s the great-ice-breaker that is having children. There is so much relatable there. I’m constantly smiling at overwhelmed moms whose kids have almost run smack into me at Homegoods and saying, “Oh, don’t even worry about it. I have three–I’ve been there!” But that’s about where the easy ends. Because it’s hard to fit a real conversation between handing out snacks, attending to whining, and saving the baby from the mortal peril that is your friend’s un-baby-gated staircase. That’s why it is so magical to meet someone you just click with. It doesn’t happen often (that’s part of the magic!) but oh when it does. I love happiness of being able to skip the small talk and head right into the things we both care about. I’ve been lucky to meet some wonderful kindred spirits at a med-school-spouses club, by sitting next to someone new at church, and (just once!) by striking up a conversation with another mom at the park. It’s just so lovely to know that their are souls who speak my language, still waiting to be met. M-a-g-i-c.
Bubbles. The way they float. That rainbow sheen. And how you can get them to stick to your palms without popping if you’ve already got bubble-soap on them. Whenever I blow bubbles for my littles, it’s always just as much fun for me as it is for them. 🙂
Library holds. Have you ever used the holds system at your library? It has revolutionized how I borrow books. Now when I’ve made it through my latest stack of books, I just sit down at my computer with my goodreads to-read list open and search for exactly the books I’d like. I place a hold, and the library sends me an email when they’re ready for me to pick up! While I still love browsing the aisles for a new find, this is an easy way for me to get the books I want when I’ve got kids in tow without making them wade through the “boring” grown-up section with me. 😉
Watercolor paints. No matter what you paint, as long as you don’t mix up a muddy brown, it looks awesome. So what if it blurs? It’s watercolor. It’s supposed to blur! Everything looks so much prettier when I paint it with watercolor. 🙂
Movie theaters. One of the first movies I remember seeing with my family was the Peter-Pan sequel Hook with Robin Williams. My brother and I left the theater ahead of our parents, leaping and bounding into the cool nighttime air, almost entirely convinced that we could fly. Movies at the theater still get me. I love them. The pitch dark. The larger-than-life screen. The sound so rich that it reverberates through the hollow spaces inside your ribs. And I’m not much of a rule-breaker, but I get a happy, nostalgic little thrill from sneaking king-sized candies in in my purse. Honestly, I think that’s half the fun. 🙂
A great kiss. You know when you get a kiss that gives you a sort of zing-pop-firework in your chest? A sort of oh-he-likes-me! feeling? I’ll vouch for the fact that it can still happen after eight years of marriage and the arrival of three kids. (I love this little tip about how to keep the sparks flying, by the way. Would you try it?) Yes. A great kiss will always be magic.
I agree with all of these except Movie Theaters, but I have always hated those LOL! Mail is by FAR my most favorite one to date, which probably explains my fetish with snail-mail penpals! haha!
Meagan I’m so curious–what do you hate about movie theaters?!
Rains! Oh, so true! Such an innovative thinking this is! Great post! 🙂
Twilight Woods is THE best thing I buy at Bath and Body Works. I am seriously obsessed with it.
Really wonderful post! You are so right that meeting a kindred spirit is still magical. I have so many friends that I just instantly clicked with. It’s so great to find those that “get you!”
I would get excited when I was younger when my parents told me I got mail or receiving an email although it was from a friend lol
I love this list. I need to sit down and think about what is magic in everyday life. I know one….cars…It amazes me that we are in these big metal things and we stay in our own lanes and determine how fast our slow we go. It’s like a big ride
Totally. Plus, being able to control the radio now that I’m the grown-up. Love it.
WOW! such a innovative thinking this is. You are right A great kiss gives a sort of oh-he-likes-me!
Love this list! Mail days make me so happy, especially when they come in pretty packages.
I love this! One thing I also find magical is Christmas! Sure it has lost some of it’s magic, but there is something about that time of year that just feels so magical!
xx. Brittany | Southern Soul
Yes! The music! The sweets! The twinkle lights!!! Christmas is my favorite. 🙂
My 3 year old daughter just reminded me yesterday about the magic that is the mailman. She’s been nagging me to buy a particular book that we checked out from the library a few months back. I told her that I would order it. She’s received stuff in the mail before so she just assumed that it’s the mailman who’s been gifting her all of these presents, this whole time. She’s like, “Call him. Call the mailman right now! Tell him to bring my book.” I tried explaining the whole system of how this actually works. I think she still believes it’s all the mailman’s doing 🙂 -Misty
This list is very sweet and yet mirrors your personality. Thanks for sharing!
I love this post. The Movie Theater one brings back fond memories for me, especially going to drive-in movie theaters with my parents.
I still get giddy over almost all of those! Of course I like to think I’ll never grow up. Being as I’m addicted to Amazon, I’m still excited when I receive something I bought for myself!
I am the same way! It doesn’t matter if I ordered it, I still love finding a package on the doorstep!
SO true with mail! And YES to library holds – it’s so genius. Sometimes I forget that I put a book on hold and then when the email arrives it’s like a fun little unexpected surprise!
I really love getting snail mail. I used to write people all the time, but not as much lately. I need to catch up with old penpals. A nice letter can brighten anyone’s day 🙂
I have no clue what it is about bubbles but you are totally right! I’m amillion years old and still get just as excited as my 3 year old when I see them lol
I LOVE the rain! The smell right before, the sounds, the way everything looks!
I didn’t even think of the smell! It is like a daydream come to life. Rain is magic. 🙂