1. NYC is fab, but doesn’t smell good in the summer. Probably not news to those of you who’ve been, but I haven’t visited Manhattan in 10 years, so when I met my mama for a short trip earlier this month, I re-learned the scent of hot garbage sitting on street corners. Luckily it has, like, a hundred thousand wonderful… Read More
June Book Report
My reading has been a little scattered the last few months. I hit a little snag of disappointing fic/lit stories and it kind of jolted me off the fiction train for a bit. (It’s always a little disorienting to me when that happens, because up until about age 24 I hadn’t read more than a handful of non-fiction books by… Read More
30+ All-Time Favorite Books to Add to Your Reading List
For my 30th birthday (which was a few years ago now!) I wrote shared my thirty favorite books. I live my life in words–reading them, writing them, tracing their origins and finding the spaces where language connects–so I really couldn’t think of a more appropriate way to celebrate the start of a new decade. 😉
Things I Learned in May
Can you believe May is almost over? I love the lengthening sunlit hours of an approaching summer. I wake to sunshine and it lingers after we’ve put the kids to bed. Last night Steve and I laid head-to-head on our L-shaped sectional (I took the short side, obvs) and read our library books right through the twilight hour (his & mine)…. Read More