The summer I turned twelve, I went uniform-shopping for the first time. After seven years of wearing whatever I wanted (mom-approved, of course) I was staring middle school at the only uniform-enforcing public school in our area. Two years of pleated skirts, khaki pants, and monogrammed polo shits stretched out endlessly before me. It wasn’t exactly the entrance to my tween… Read More
Things I Learned in July
1. I’ve been paying WAYYYY TOO MUCH for my cell service. Because Steve and I have never had more than one full-time income in all the time we’ve been married, I pride myself on being pretty smart with my money. Not cheap, exactly. But REALLY, REALLY careful. So when I found out about Republic Wireless’s ridiculously low prices (unlimited talk/text… Read More
8 Things that are Still Magic When You Grow Up
blurry picture of lovely & magical stuff that came to my house in the mail this week A lot of the magic in life fades after you finish up your tween years, but there are a few things that stick with you even as you grow up. I turned thirty last week (I’m finally a legit grown-up, right?), and I’m pleased… Read More
Make Laundry Easier with These 5 Super Simple Hacks
image via Unsplash Because I hate cleaning but love living in clean, I’m always looking for ways to make housework work work better for me. Besides cutting my laundry back to just five total loads a week for our family of five (yes, that includes sheets, towels, and all our clothes!), here are a few other ideas I love for… Read More
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