Whenever new mamas sign up for my email newsletter, I ask them to share something that is driving them nuts right now. ๐ If I’ve got a tip or trick that can help smooth that out, I’ll share here! Today’s hair-pulling problem is from Ginger, and I think you’ll all relate! GINGER WROTE: If I could instantly change one thing,… Read More
Simplified Living
Want to stop spending so much time on the mundane parts of mothering? Here I'm sharing all my tips, tricks, and go-to tools to help you simplify your lifestyle and earn more free time.
The Quick Way to Clear Out a Too-Busy, Over-Full Brain
It’s 3:42 AM, and your brain is too busy to let you sleep. You got up to pee (because part of that body-after-baby deal is a semi-permanently crushed bladder), checked the time on your phone, and crawled back into bed because (thank goodness!) there are still a couple hours of sleep-time left. You snuggle under the blankets, adjust your pillow… Read More
10 Little Life Hacks That Made My Year Way Better
Do you ever feel like finishing out a year is like being dumped off at the end one of those insane old-school wooden roller coasters? We’re already over a week into the new year and I still feel like I’m scrambling to wrap up the old one in my brain. One thing I love about finishing out a year is… Read More
How to Create a Self-Lead Morning Routine for Kids
Full disclosure: I fully dread the nagging and frustration that comes with micromanaging the morning routineย for my kids. (I don’t know about you, but trying to direct school-prep and breakfast traffic while I’m trying to feed a baby–and myself!–is not my favorite way to start the day.) This dread (and a little bit of exhaustion) is the honest to goodness… Read More