A long time ago, when my now-tweens were a pair of littles, I packed up the diaper bag and took them to the library story time. All my friends went every week with their kids, who sat in the circle and sang the songs and loved the stories. Afterward these mamas browsed for books in the children’s section or sat… Read More
“I Hate My Body”: Accepting Your Imperfect Body As-Is
“I hate my body.” How many times have I thought this, staring into the mirror half-dressed, critiquing it’s shape and size, lumps and bumps? I scan it up and down, measuring it’s value, it’s worthiness, by how it looks: My skin’s color and texture–over-plump brown moles, shiny zigzag stretch marks, polkadots of acne. Hairs that grow where I don’t want… Read More
I Don’t Totally Love My Body (But This Helps)
It’s okay if you can’t jump right into LOVE with your body! Instead, let’s choose some things you can feel for it, and start there.